Tooth Extractions

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Careful Tooth Extractions Using Time-Tested Methods

Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth. While we strive to avoid the need to remove a tooth whenever possible, certain conditions may make tooth extraction the most effective option for returning your smile to good health and function. Following the tooth extraction, we are happy to provide you with one of our excellent tooth replacement treatments to restore your smile to optimal health, beauty, and function.

Several conditions may necessitate tooth extraction. Among these are:

Severe infection that has destroyed a significant portion of the tooth and supporting bone structure

Serious decay that has damaged a tooth beyond repair, making a successful restoration impossible

Crowding caused by too many teeth to properly fit in the mouth

Our Tooth Extraction Dental Services

Relief from Severe Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Experience relief from severe tooth decay and gum disease with our tooth extraction services. Our skilled dentists provide gentle and effective extractions to alleviate pain and prevent further oral health issues.

Removal of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Address discomfort and prevent complications with the removal of impacted wisdom teeth. Our experienced team performs safe and efficient extractions to improve oral health and comfort.

Orthodontic Treatment Preparation

Prepare for orthodontic treatment with tooth extractions. Our comprehensive services include extractions to create space for alignment correction, ensuring successful orthodontic outcomes.

Treatment for Infection or Abscess

Seek prompt treatment for infection or abscess with our tooth extraction services. Our dentists provide expert care to remove infected teeth and prevent the spread of infection.

Resolution for Fractured or Damaged Teeth

Resolve issues with fractured or damaged teeth through extraction. Our skilled team performs extractions to address severe damage and restore oral health and function.

What Sets Us Apart?

Over 20 years of experience

Anxious patient specialists

Personalized care with a family atmosphere

High-quality dental care in a high-tech office

Free consultations

Emergency dental appointments available

Your Journey to a Healthier Smile Starts Here.

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