Dental Implants and Dentures

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Most Dental Insurances Accepted | Emergency Dental Appointments Available | Free Consultations

Restore Your Smile and Your Confidence

Dental implants are lasting, stable tooth replacements that can be used to replace one missing tooth, several missing teeth, or complete arches of teeth. The dental implant post, which is a screw made of titanium, is surgically placed in the jawbone at the site of the missing tooth. It replaces the missing tooth root and ensures that your dental restoration is stable. A period of healing is then often required to allow the bone to begin to bond with the biocompatible post.

All on X dental implants: Comprehensive solution using strategically placed implants for full mouth restoration, providing stability and durability.

Implant dentures: Combine implant stability with denture convenience, offering improved comfort and chewing ability.

Removable dentures: Traditional tooth replacement option with artificial teeth on a gum-colored base, offering a cost-effective smile restoration solution.

Why Opt for Dental Implants

Natural Look and Feel

Dental implants mimic your natural teeth in appearance and function.

Improved Speech

No more struggling with ill-fitting dentures that can cause slurred speech.

Comfort and Convenience

Say goodbye to the discomfort and inconvenience of removable dentures.

Preservation of Jawbone

Dental implants help prevent bone loss that occurs when teeth are missing.


With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime.

What Sets Us Apart?

Over 20 years of experience

Anxious patient specialists

Personalized care with a family atmosphere

High-quality dental care in a high-tech office

Free consultations

Emergency dental appointments available

Your Journey to a Healthier Smile Starts Here.

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