CEREC Same-Day Crowns

Most Dental Insurances Accepted

Emergency Dental Appointments Available

Free Consultations

Most Dental Insurances Accepted | Emergency Dental Appointments Available | Free Consultations

Why Choose CEREC Same-Day Crowns?

Our dentist and dental team work hard to stay current on the latest advances in dental technology and techniques. We utilize state-of-the-art dental equipment, including CEREC one-visit restoration technology, to help us provide you with the best possible dental care and experience. CEREC technology allows our team to provide you with a custom-made, high-quality dental restoration in a single visit to our office. Traditional dental techniques require at least two visits to complete many dental restorations; CEREC technology saves you time and discomfort by eliminating the need for a second visit. With CEREC technology, we can create many types of dental restorations in just one visit, including:

Dental crowns: We create durable crowns with advanced technology, restoring the function and appearance of your teeth in a single visit.

Dental veneers: Our state-of-the-art technology allows us to design and create custom veneers that enhance the aesthetics of your teeth in just one appointment.

Dental inlays and onlays: Using our advanced equipment, we fabricate precise inlays and onlays to restore your teeth's strength and appearance without the need for multiple visits.

Benefits of CEREC Same-Day Crowns

Time Efficiency

No need for multiple visits, get your crown in a single appointment.


Say goodbye to temporary crowns and waiting weeks for your permanent one.


With computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM), your crowns are custom-made for a perfect fit.

Natural Aesthetics

Our crowns mimic the look and feel of natural teeth, enhancing your smile.


Made from high-quality materials, these crowns are made to last.

Minimally Invasive

Less drilling and fewer injections mean a more comfortable experience.

What Sets Us Apart?

Over 20 years of experience

Anxious patient specialists

Personalized care with a family atmosphere

High-quality dental care in a high-tech office

Free consultations

Emergency dental appointments available

Your Journey to a Healthier Smile Starts Here.

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