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Most Dental Insurances Accepted | Emergency Dental Appointments Available | Free Consultations

Improve the Aesthetics of Your Smile

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry focused on correcting irregularities of the teeth and jaw, especially in how they align and fit together. There are several orthodontic treatment options available, and our team will make certain that you receive the one that is right for your personal needs. Through orthodontics, we can correct teeth that are:

Misaligned: Our team will customize a plan to correct tooth alignment, improving both aesthetics and function.

Crowded: Our personalized treatment plans create space and alignment, enhancing your smile's appearance and health.

Gapped and spaced: Our tailored treatments close gaps and create a harmonious smile for improved confidence and oral health.

Our Orthodontic Treatments

A close up of a woman 's mouth with clear aligners

Clear Aligners

Clear Aligners

Straighten your smile discreetly with clear aligners. These transparent trays gradually shift teeth into alignment without the visibility of traditional braces.

A close up of a woman 's mouth with braces on her teeth



Transform your smile quickly with FASTBRACES®. This innovative orthodontic system moves teeth efficiently, reducing treatment time and providing a faster path to a straighter smile.

What Sets Us Apart?

Over 20 years of experience

Anxious patient specialists

Personalized care with a family atmosphere

High-quality dental care in a high-tech office

Free consultations

Emergency dental appointments available

Your Journey to a Healthier Smile Starts Here.

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